Highcroft HomeOwners Association

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Community Oriented Police Services (COPS) is a program offered by Gwinnett County Police. The COPS program is designed as a crime prevention unit. There are many steps we need to follow to keep our COPS status active with Gwinnett County Police. There are 3 meetings a year that we meet with our designated officer for our area. There are COPS captains assigned to sections of the neighborhood.  The COPS captain is responsible for reporting any crimes from residents assigned to him/her to our COPS Liaison, At that point, the COPS Liaison will send out an e-mail notifying the COPS captains of the particular crime.  The COPS captains e-mail the update to those he/she is responsible for...usually 8 - 10 neighbors.

If you see anything suspicious, please notify your COPS captain  directly so we can pass the information along to fellow residents. If you are the victim of a crime, call 911 first, and then notify Molly Duff.

Keep in mind that solicitors are required by Gwinnett County to carry a permit to sell things door to door. Most solicitors do not have the permit. Please call the police with a description of the person and notify your COPS block captain.

                        The Highcroft COPS liaison is Mollie Duff   - email -  mollieduff@gmail.com   phone # 

                        Our Gwinnett County COPS Policer Officer is: This is to be used if there is NOT an emergency. 911 should be called in any emergency.

Officer Andres Camacho - andres.camacho@gwinnettcounty.com| Gwinnett County Police Department
West Precinct | Crime Prevention Officer
Office: (678) 442-6553
770 Hi Hope Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30043

Highcroft Block Captains:


3360, 3365, 3370, 3375, 3380, 3385, 3815, 3825 - Leigh Ann Eskew               

3390, 3395, 3400, 3405, 3410, 3415, 3420, 3425 -   Christina Noyes   

3430, 3435, 3440, 3445, 3450, 3455, 3460, 3465 -   Vacant

3470, 3475, 3480, 3485, 3490, 3495, 3500,3505, 3515 - Bernina Jones

3510, 3520, 3525, 3535, 3545, 3565, 3575, 3585 - Vacant

3595, 3600, 3605, 3615, 3620, 3625, 3630 - Vacant

3635, 3640, 3650, 3655, 3660, 3665, 3670 - Craig Ruben

3675, 3680, 3685, 3690, 3695, 3700, 3705, 3710 - Kelly Medvec

3715, 3720, 3725, 3730, 3735, 3740, 3745, 3755 -  Vacant

3750, 3760, 3765, 3775, 3785, 3795, 3805 - Vacant

Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department

To request a copy of the Highcroft HomeOwners Directory, click here